I'm a little late posting this today, but hey, it's still Wednesday.
Today's post is a challenge for you as we begin a new year in just a few more days. I hope that you read this, take it to heart and decide what to do with it.
My challenge for you is to get into God's Word in 2011 and really learn it. I'm not talking about going to church on Sunday's, or maybe even Wednesday's, hearing the sermon or doing a short lesson...although that's great. What I'm talking about it tearing God's Word apart from cover to cover, hiding it in your heart, letting Him speak to you, learning why we exist, etc. There is NOTHING more important in this life than getting to know the God that created you...and if you're a Christian you know this to be true.
The Bible is God's book given to us (you) that you might know Him, understand His ways, love Him with all your heart, mind, body, soul and spirit, and show this by keeping His commandments.
The enemy of our soul does NOT want you to be in the Word. He will do anything he can to distract you from being in God's Word...but he cannot stop you from persevering. Also, remember that the good can be the enemy of the best. Busyness with the work of God can keep you from the Word of God.
It is clear in Scripture that the Word of God is foundation for all that we believe and do. To neglect it is just the same as us trying to live and work without food, which leads to sickness and death. You cannot neglect the study of God's Word and be spiritually healthy. Just look at the church today and you will see how true that is.
So why am I challenging you in this? Well, for starters, I'm a Christian and want you to know the joy that I have found in the Lord. I'll be honest though...it took me a long time to really appreciate the Bible, God's Holy Word, for all that it is. The cool thing about God's Word is that it's new every day. I can read something this week and read it again next year and learn something completely new!
I've been incredibly blessed to be part of a wonderful Bible study this year. I challenge you to find a good BIBLE study...one that focuses more on The Word than the words of someone else. You'll be amazed at how much you learn and want to learn if you just get in there!
If you live in the Spfd, MO. area and would like help finding a good Bible study please leave a comment or message me and I would be glad to help you!
Psalm 119:30 The unfolding of Your Words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.
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