Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Deep Cleaning Discoveries

Today I'm multi-tasking.  Well, if I think about it I multi-task almost every day!  I have two of my crock pots going.  One with chicken and the other with beef that I'll be making a roast dinner with.  I also have laundry going.  While all of that was cooking/washing, I decided that I would find something to clean.  I didn't have to look too hard! :)
I cleaned the Master Bath.  I didn't just clean it...I (what my mom says) DEEP CLEANED it!  I have linoleum (which I despise) in my Master Bathroom.  It's hard to get really clean so, yes, I got down on all fours with, believe or not, a toothbrush at one point and got all the nooks and crannies cleaned out.  I finally finished the entire bathroom, ceiling to floor!
Then I noticed that I missed something...the vanity!  Not the outside, but the inside.  It had been months (maybe even a few years) since I've cleaned out the vanity really well.  It was interesting to say the least!  I found some empty bottles, old hair accessories that I threw away, etc.  The funniest thing that I came across was my husband's old dental retainer from when he was a teenager!  LOL!  He was still wearing his retainer when we were newly weds...17 1/2 years ago!  It was still soaking in the old plastic butter container that it was in way back then!  Needless to say, I threw it away! I bet he won't even miss it!  ;)

While I was DEEP cleaning I started thinking about the spiritual side of what I was discovering as I cleaned.  How often times I clean the outside of my heart, but the inside is still really messy.  It appears squeaky clean to others, but the Lord sees it differently.  Sometimes I've found that I will hold onto a grudge or some other type of sin way too long before I get on my hands and knees and clean it all out!  Sometimes I forget that the sin is even there because I keep pushing it to the back of the vanity!

I hope I encourage you today to take a look deep within the recesses or your heart and perhaps get on your hands and knees and do some deep cleaning...

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10


  1. I heard about this story from my mom a week ago at church. I had to find it and read it for myself. Its amazing what God shows you doing the most simple things at home. Thanks for your blog. You are very talented and i look forward to reading what you have for say. Thanks!

  2. Thank you so much! You're comment encouraged me today. Wow! I can't believe someone is talking about this to people! Thanks for your encouraging words. :)
