Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Picture of my kids

My kids after decorating the Christmas tree last night.  You know what happened to the tree this morning if you read the Facebook page!  

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tis the Season!

Have you headed over to Mom's By Heart to see her 100 Days of Christmas yet?  Below are just a few of the cute things she has posted.

 The project shown above was by A Personal Touch. She created her bag toppers with rubber stamps, but you can get a free printable HERE or HERE.  Many Dollar Stores carry the small bags.

Here’s a free printable to make you smile from my favorite Christmas movie! VisitInviting Printables to get one, then frame it up and show it off!

Laurie Furnell created this free printable Snowman Candy Bar Wrapper. Add a repurposed sock for the hat and a scrap of fleece for the scarf and you have yourself an adorable little gift!

Friday, December 2, 2011

HES Update

I haven't posted a Hypereosinophilic Syndrome (HES) update in awhile so I thought today would be an appropriate day to do that.

This year has been a roller coaster ride with my HES.  The Hematologist that I had been seeing the past 5 years retired and I got a new one in January.  It's always hard to transition to a new doctor, but I've found my new doctor to be knowledgeable about HES as well as a very nice person to work with.

I'm presently taking Hydroxyurea (chemo) to control my white blood counts.  Unfortunately, as the year has progressed the chemo has lowered my blood counts TOO low causing me to be anemic.  Recently, my doctor decided to lower the amount of chemo in order for my blood counts to raise.  About 2 weeks into my new dosage of chemo I started having more HES symptoms.  I won't go into detail on that, but believe me, I knew that my new dosage wasn't going to work out!  So, I called the doctor, they had me come in for another cbc and my blood levels had raised up enough to raise my chemo back to where it had been before.

I know this all sounds horrid to most of you, but this is actually a good thing for me.  I'd rather be tired, then in pain.  So, now I'm about 3 weeks into my raised dose and I'm feeling much better.  Yesterday I went to the doctor again for another cbc and visit.  She has decided to not mess with my chemo dosage anymore.  She believes that we've found the "happy medium" that keeps most things level.  

So, that's where we're at for now and I'm fine with that.  I'm feeling pretty good and happy to have some energy back during this time of year.  Of course, this will be an on going process, so we'll continue to keep tabs on my blood levels.

I wrote a testimony and it was published through my church newsletter if any of you want to read it.  It's about some things that the Lord has taught me through all of this.  You can find it right here.